Ensuring that your pet has a full and healthy life includes caring for his eye health. Animals who experience chronic ulcers on the surface of the eye are in danger of losing sight. This can have a drastic impact on your pet’s quality of life. At the Animal Eye Clinic of Pensacola, serving Pensacola, FL, our pet eye doctor is here to help diagnose and treat pet eye issues. Keep reading to learn more about our veterinary ophthalmology specialist services.
When Is a Keratotomy Needed?
When a pet experiences chronic eye ulcers, a keratotomy may be needed. A keratotomy is a surgical procedure that is considered to be minimally invasive. During this procedure, the outer layer of the cornea (epithelium) and the thickest layer of the cornea (the stroma) are affected. This is the part of the eye where ulcers develop. These ulcers can be both painful and detrimental to an animal’s sight.
These ulcers are usually a result of an injury to the eye. In most cases, your vet will attempt to use topical or oral therapy to resolve the issue. If these therapies are not effective, it may be necessary to perform a keratotomy surgery.
What Are the Symptoms of Eye Ulcers?
A dog or cat suffering from eye ulcers will experience discharge from the eye. The animal may also experience tearing. In most cases, there will also be swelling and discoloration.
What Happens During the Procedure?
Your pet will be put under general anesthesia for this procedure. In most cases, it can be completed as an outpatient procedure during a regular visit to the vet. Prior to the procedure, all loose epithelium will be removed either using a cotton swab or through debridement with an Algerbrush.
Following this, our veterinarian will perform the procedure which will encourage healing in the stroma area of the eye.
Is This Procedure Safe?
This procedure has a very high success rate. Up to 95 percent of pets find relief from their eye ulcers after having this procedure completed. Following the procedure, your pet will be monitored during recovery and follow-up visits may be necessary.
Our Vet Is Happy to Discuss This Procedure with You More
To learn more about our services, contact us at Animal Eye Clinic of Pensacola, serving Pensacola, FL. We are happy to answer your questions and schedule you a consultation today. Our number is (850) 860-4160.