If your pet is suffering from vision problems, our pet eye doctor can help. Our veterinarian at Animal Eye Clinic of Pensacola is a qualified veterinary ophthalmology specialist. We can help you with everything from routine eye health check-ups to glaucoma implants. Let’s take a closer look at glaucoma in pets and how we can help you address it.

What is Glaucoma?

Any pet eye doctor will tell you that glaucoma is a serious problem for your pet. Not only does this condition lead to blindness, but it can also dramatically lower your pet’s quality of life. Our veterinary ophthalmology specialist wants you to know that glaucoma is a neurodegenerative condition of the eye caused by optic nerve decay. One of the earliest signs of this condition is a clouding of the eye and increased intraocular pressure.

How Our Vet Can Help

Our vet can help you by diagnosing and managing your pet’s glaucoma. Our treatment center offers a variety of approaches to addressing glaucoma. We work with you to make sure that your pet’s glaucoma is under control and does not worsen. We can also help you stay informed so that you know the best ways to help your pet lead a normal and healthy life.

Why You Should See a Pet Eye Doctor

Problems with your pet’s vision are often very difficult to reverse. Once glaucoma has started to develop, it’s hard to turn back the hands of time. This is why it’s important to see our pet eye doctor. We can spot the early signs of glaucoma in your pet. Using the latest in scientific medicine, we can help to slow the development of this condition giving your pet a lifetime of comfort, energy, and good eyesight.

How Glaucoma Implants Work

Glaucoma implants work by lowering pressure inside the eye. The pressure inside of the eye is one of the biggest factors when it comes to glaucoma. This is just as true for people as it is for our pets. A glaucoma implant works by draining the fluid that’s causing excessive pressure. The procedure can be completed quickly and is fairly low-risk.

Considerations for Glaucoma Implants

Glaucoma implants are a quick and effective medical procedure. However, you should discuss any risks and potential complications with our pet eye doctor ahead of time.

Schedule an Appointment with Our Veterinary Ophthalmology Specialist Today

If you are looking for a pet eye doctor in Pensacola, contact Animal Eye Clinic of Pensacola today. For more information on glaucoma implants for pets or to schedule an appointment with our veterinarian, call us today or request an appointment online.